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10th November 2023

How To Offer Paid Shopping Services Using Cleva This Winter

Earn more revenue, speed up admin and protect your clients this Winter.

3rd November 2023

Seven Ways To Help Your Home Care Clients Save On Heating Costs

As the temperature drops and your home care clients' heating costs rise, so begins a balancing act...

26th October 2022

How to spot the signs of financial abuse

Whatever form it takes, large or small, none of us wants our mum, dad, gran or grandad...

26th October 2022

How meditation can improve your mental health

Meditation is an amazingly simple, useful tool to help us all take just a few minutes out...

26th October 2022

Top tips for keeping your money safe

Keeping your money safe is extremely important, take a look at our recommendations on how best to...

26th October 2022

Are we heading for a cashless society?

You’ve seen this in the press but really, what exactly does a ‘cashless society’ mean for you?

cleva app shopping list

23rd May 2021

Acts of Kindness

From baking for a neighbour to sending flowers to a friend; small acts of kindness mean more...